Per Søby
CEO, Consultant & Teacher

Poul Holck
Senior consultant & Teacher

Michael Tabor Rasmussen
CAO, BM & Dealer development

Heidi Dresler

Belinda Grønvold

Line Vad

Morten Søby
CTO & IT responsible

HOLCO’s passion
HOLCO’s great passion is to improve our customers’ business. Specializing in development and optimization, from small companies to large chains and importers.
HOLCO has many years of experience within the automotive industry with training in management, sales and aftermarket. Using our specialized knowledge of KPI, CSI, CI and CRM, HOLCO has, and is helping to shape the industry.
HOLCO is also behind the development of the most well-thought-out system for service agreements, Service Agreement Management (SAM). SAM is more than just a service agreement calculator, it bases the calculations on the manufacturer’s service schedules, the individual company’s hourly rates and oil prices, and can calculate both new and used cars. SAM can also be used for other industries that want monthly payments, based on a service frequency.
SAM is designed to make everyday life easier, both with administration and bookkeeping as well as checking the service agreements, but also the hard-pressed foremen. With our API integration options for other systems, users do not have to work in multiple systems. SAM is involved from the time the customer makes the agreement until the agreement is concluded many years later. SAM is a strategic tool for growth, savings and optimization.